Thanksgiving Memories With Mike Gundy Include Notes on Climate Change, Bacteria

Originally published at:

Also: Climate change and the impeachment.

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I’m just here for the comments :sweat_smile:

Gundy is definitely old school.
For a university employee with access to the latest research in weather and sciences, he could easily debunk his climate change theory with a quick phone call.

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Take what the defense gives is 3 philosophies ago. Let’s try to keep up ;). That was Monken/Holgy’s line. We switched to balanced under MY and now we love to run. My guess is as soon as Chuba leaves town love to run will be replaced.

"You’re still out playing. You weren’t worried about it being cold, and we didn’t have video games. You had to go to a restaurant to play a video game. Some of the kids that had a lot of money might’ve had an Atari but not everybody.”
One of THE GREAT Gundy-isms EVER!!!

“I remember guys running into trees. Guys running deep balls, actually running looking for a ball and hit a fire hydrant and just slice their knee open. It’s good stuff. That’s the way it used to be. That’s back before we had bacteria stuff to clean our hands with. Everybody built up an immunity to those things because we didn’t care.”

Literally laughed out loud as I read each sentence. This may be the best paragraph of his entire career

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