The Rundown: What Mike Gundy Said at His Pre-Kansas News Conference

Originally published at: The Rundown: What Mike Gundy Said at His Pre-Kansas News Conference | Pistols Firing

Gundy talks rebounding from the massacre in Manhattan.

I listened to him on YouTube today. First time I ever heard him cuss. I bet he’s fired up now. It is going to thoroughly suck if Sanders goes out for the season. I have a feeling Rangel might transfer out after the season if Sanders leaves. Especially if little Gundy starts. Not a fan of Coach’s sons playing QB I don’t care if it’s Sabans son.

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Yes we know your story of being under the coaches son.

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I listened to Gundy today as well. As usual lots of coach speak and little detail. So one is left with trying to read between the lines, which I suck at. Anyway he did cuss some which is a out of character. Makes me think he is fired up about something, probably a lot of somethings. Someone asked him how Sanders was and he said he wasn’t sure, just hoping to get him some rest and have him for next week. Now I don’t believe that Gundy doesn’t know Sanders status, he just says that to deflect the question. So to me his answer is kind of foreboding as it leaves the door open to the reality that Sanders is out. But again i suck at reading between the lines so there is that.


I set aside my personal issues on this one and took a non bias take. I’m siding with Barry Trammel and Jim traber on this one. They nailed my non bias take on it. There’s donors that said the take I was thinking as well. If your a coach’s son playing QB you better be a super star or scout team QB. It hasn’t worked out for Iowa or Bob Simons. Probably misspelled his name but all well lol. There’s a strong reason to believe Rangel will transfer out if Gunnar takes the helm if Sanders leaves after this Season. From what I hear Rangel is better than Gunnar but neither is ready to start yet due to not knowing the offense fully. I didn’t think Rangel was that Good but it appears I may be wrong on him from what sources say.

I’m way over that buddy. Was grateful for the other opportunities I had after that. When life throws lemons make the best darn lemonade you can.

Gundy finally getting emotional over anything would be an improvement to an expressionless coach who appears to be watching a youth soccer game. Not being worth $7.5 million ought to be motivation enough. Not picking on Gunner, but I suspect that most people agree that the coach’s son playing QB is not a good situation. Nepotism is discouraged for a reason in most situations. Someone should have quashed that idea from the outset, allowed Gunner to play at a different school and prove his talent, and kept room on the roster for a qualifed QB that is prepared to go in as a back up. Not being properly prepared for big games, and not having players that are prepared and able to contribute, that is not indicative of a top-ranked program. It cannot be good for recruiting to constantly admitting being unprepared or use to getting your butt kicked. Being almost good enough year after year is the history of OSU program unfortunately.

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Its funny because ive heard gunnar was better. Its one thing to be better at 7 on 7. Thousands of coaches son have played for their dad. If you dig into it gunnar this year is the better qb. Next year maybe a different story. I personally think gundy has drug his feet on gunnar.

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Wow you want alot for nothing. Most haters are this way.
Rangel maybe better next year but your a joke if you think he is better this year.


@scott32 First of all calling the situation Nepotism is poor taste IMO. Gunner wanted to play for the school that he has grown up with, nothing wrong with that. Second Gunner isn’t taking up any room on the QB roster, he is a walk on.


You want to bring in a ready to go 2nd team qb when the first team qb is hurt ? Have you looked at the portal in the last 3 years at the number of QBs transferring out because they think they should br starting ? So you’re butt hurt cause we got the chit kicked out of us, so am I. Don’t blame it on nepotism, it wouldn’t have mattered if we had Stroud that day until you get an Oline fixed v


100% Nepotism!

100% troll


You didn’t comment where we will get a jam up qb to sit 2nd team jug

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You’ve never commented on why every backup quarterback looks like a Heisman trophy quarterback against Gundy but it takes till the fourth season for one of Gundy’s quarterbacks to run his offense.

Its funny this so called backup howard did show the heisman pose the other 2 times he lost to us.

I dnt think you know what nepotism is. Its not letting your favorite bull have his way.

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It’s funny that I never said Howard.

We have lost 4 games in two years, what second team qb has beat us moron

Blake Shapen before the conference championship game he had started 1 game. One! But we made him a star.

Jug your still showing your ignorance. Baylor lost to a back up to tcu last year. Alot of teams have lost to back ups. Its not a gundy thing.

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