Three Questions for Oklahoma State’s Quarterback Room Entering the 2024 Season

Originally published at:

On Bowman, his backup and the future of the position at OSU.

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I don’t even remember Brendan Costello.

Does anyone want to know where Gunnar Gundy is going, cause I know?

Inquiring minds want to know


With the right system, is Gunnar a left-handed Josh Fields?

Emporia State.

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Uh, um, er…what’s your opinion?

Just a random thought that crossed my mind. Both 6’1”. Both 200 lbs. Both have semi-decent wheels (Gunnar might be faster.) Both throw a good deep-ball. (Fields was better with intermediate stuff.)

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I remember someone on here saying “I’m gonna laugh when Gunnar becomes a gamer!!!”.

The QB by committee worked out well last year…

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JMHO… but to ‘settle’ on Bowman as the starter this year is to settle for two seasons of mediocre quarterback play. Let Flores get the experience. Bowman is a really good back up, but not D1 starter material.

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There is sign bowman will be better.
On qbs leaving the onehere now aren’t going to another p4 team to start. So sit the bench here or go to a g5.

Well I think the old phrase “the devil you know” applies here. Also there is some good indications that Bowman has been working on his flaws so there is that. So if last years mediocre got us to the CC game I’m all in on this years level of mediocre.


I can respect that.

I just feel like 3 of our wins were gifts from terrible play on the part of the other teams! Maybe 4.

Only time will tell.

Did he become one for us? I wish the kid well, he really improved his speed from HS.

I don’t think Gunnar throws a good deep ball at all. Where do you get that idea? I think his issue is arm strength since he improved his 40 speed.

The one deep ball that went for a TD. It was perfect. But I’m also wrong, a lot.

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Don’t discount yourself like that, let us do it! :joy: #joke I don’t remember, how many yards was it?

Why are we still talking about a back up qb thats gone.

You were the one excited he was here to begin with.

Again another statement that doent have anything to do with us now. I know why your talking about. It has nothing to do with us so you talk about