Three Things Mike Gundy Said on His Weekly Radio Show Ahead of South Dakota State

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Gundy talks tackling and blocking, Ollie’s encore, and South Dakota State.

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“They’ve had more people drafted than anybody in this league”. Gundy has spent 10 million bucks less than the power 4 competition last year.

The radio show has been reduced to a love fest. No callers, no texters. Just an hour of Dave blowing smoke up Mike’s tailpipe. Actually about thirty minutes last night. Sad , very sad.

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Its sad, but I’m actually thankful. While you occassionally get a good question from a caller, most call-in show callers are: "Uh coach…thanks for having me on the air. I’ve been watching the Pokes since you were an assistant on Les’s staff. Now, watching the game, I…uh…noticed that you got Oliver over there playing a Defensive End position. Uh…Do you think he has the uh size to play there? He seems small but uh he’s awfully fast. Have you uh considered playing him on offense?

5 Minutes of studdering and historical nonsense in order to ask either a non-sensical or self-affirming question. No thank you.

So how about just allowing fans to text the show with Dave reading only legit questions. If the texts are not worthy then don’t read them on the air… Problem solved.