Tiger King & Mullets

Please help make this happen…the way they have the Coaches Film Room on the NC game simulcast.

Day 15 without sports.

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I would love to talk to Gundy about anything at all. But we’re a blog …


That level of hypocrisy has to be soul crushing. Gundy is the first one to publicly admit the success of oSu is contingent on fans showing up regardless of the teams performance. While at the same time, zero problems giving a Heisman stiff arm to those promoting the oSu brand. This site runs circles around state media coverage and IMO can also be painfully loyal to the mulleted one. IMO until he gets a handle on his BMOC mentality this program will continue to tread water. KP shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells because of the head football coach. If TBP, Holder, and Boynton can make time for PFB then Gundy should be doing back flips singing your praises IMO.