Top Five Quotes from Mike Gundy's Post-Iowa State News Conference

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On quarterbacks, defensive woes and more.

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I’ve never said to fire Gundy before but this is ridiculous. Bowman didn’t play well. Nastiest throwing I’ve ever seen. I’ve criticized Gunnar before on his slow motion but Bowman’s by far is worse and the way he throws the ball. How doesn’t he not plant and follow though? These cbs and fs are being able to instinctively react quickly. All off season we’ve heard power running and te play. It’s like we abandoned the season game play we were anticipating since the off-season. If we are going to play Bowman let’s at least get some of what we heard all season please. I’m obviously not a college coach, but if we are going to play all season like it’s preseason let’s at least have something to get excited about before we lose half our offense to the portal. These guys aren’t dumb enough to injure themselves to risk not being able to play meaningful football and not being able to win.

All spring the offense was under center working the power game you mentioned. Approx 60% plus of the snaps were under center. Ran the ball downhill and it set up the play action game. Bowman was thriving in that offense and the O moved the ball well. Similar to what he ran at Michigan. Everyone thought he was the guy. Then during fall camp the coaches pretty much abandoned what they did in the spring and went back to the old offense. No one seems to know why. That is the big question. Why did we practice that offense all spring and then abandon it? Doesn’t make sense.

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I hope some answers come out soon, I just got this got this weird feeling about the state of our program. I’ve never been a sky is falling type of fan.

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Did Mike Yurcich or Lincoln Riley steal Coach Gundy’s green notebook with all Gundy’s foolproof plays in it?

Coach Gundy just needs to pretend these other football teams are somebody he’s not afraid of, and then attack. Visualize and then attack like Bobby Boucher does.