I have an odd question, I am a recent grad of OSU and moved back to the Tulsa area. I am missing the pick up games at the Colvin and was wondering if any of y’all knew of groups that play pickup basketball weekly or every other week? maybe a church that has a mens league or something like that.
Heads up. It’s been ~38 years since I started as a freshman student at OSU. And I still miss the pick-up games at the Colvin! (Good luck finding a place to play - an open gym at a church or a church men’s league is a great option.)
There’s a gym called Health Zone, which is a part of the Saint Francis Health System. They have a basketball court, but I’m not sure about leagues. They had decent pickup games, though. I haven’t played there since high school.
There used to be Champions Sports Complex, a long time ago. I think they held AAU games there. That has since closed, so that doesn’t help you the slightest bit.
You can also Google search, as well. Most YMCAs will have good pickup games. The one is Bixby is actually decent.
I would try maybe looking for some close to Midtown/Downtown. I say this because there is a higher concentration of younger people around those neighborhoods, and so you might find some good ones around there.
As you will see, they don’t list any basketball leagues currently, but maybe call them and see when the next ones are, and see how a non-student can play in them, if allowed. Usually they’ll let non-students play, but for a higher fee.
Coll picture @Alum_in_AZ I worked in the colvin all four year at OSU and I be that is gym one or two from the original Colvin, talking to the old timers it was cool to listen to them talk about how it has changed over the years
@TheHeadChimp I have followed up on a couple of the quick google that is why I have asked here now.
First United Methodist Church in downtown Tulsa has the best basketball leagues in Tulsa. Well organized, run by competent folks. They also have open gym during lunch hour at least once a week (maybe every day, not entirely sure). Not sure about pricing but it’s a clean gym where you can get some good runs in. https://fumctulsa.org/basketball-leagues
I 2nd KB recommendation. First Methodist downtown in the Family and Youth Center on corner of 10th/Main St. The early morning pickups are well attended with good/quality/regular talent each session
Go to the front-desk where they maintain the monthly schedule/calendar of activities