West Virginia 2021

Pretty solid win . Really need a clean game from SS . Idk if it was the the playing plays in sun and shade simultaneously that messed us up some but we had some head scratching execution on offense . Statue spencer for instance . He also leaned into some tackles and pushed some guys back . We softened up the wv d.

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Honestly, that’s all we need from Sanders to win. I mean, I guess he played about this well and we still lost to Iowa State, but this level of play is going to win us most games with this D.


This level of offense will cost us Bedlam.

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Yes it will. My guess is the number to beat OU is between 32-35. I genuinely believe that we have the second best defense in the country, but I still think we’ll be forced to score in that game. Hopefully I’m wrong and though, we can win scoring like 27!

In my mind, there is no set number to beat them. Just keep pouring it on. We need to go into Bedlam with the mindset that we can’t trust the defense. The offense needs to plan on scoring every single drive. 7, not 3. That’s what it will take. Absolute perfection. Anything less than that, we lose.

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That is an unfortunately realistic take

I’ve seen the movie too many times, brother. Btw, saw you on the big screen last night!


Awesome! I saw that I got up there a couple of times! I tried to see if I could find you in the arena too, but I wasn’t able to

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We were in section 204. Tickets were for 306, but we moved. Haha!


Hell yeah dude!


I think we’re the better team. Better team doesn’t always win Bedlam, though.