What's up with Chuba?

We are probably in the summer doldrums right now… even more so with the 'Rona going on and uncertainty around the 2020 FB season. But I wonder if anyone has an idea of what Chuba’s cryptic tweets have to do with?

Probably endorsements or a Heisman campaign

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Hope you’re right. My first thought was due to the Rona he’s thinking NFL training until the next draft and leaving school.

In regards to Chuba?

In regards to we’re going to be freaking good next year. Chuba will be here and it’s going to be great! Our fan base has been hurt way too much and now we have an unreal fear of the worst. Fairly understandable though.


I’m still not entirely convinced Rona won’t somehow ruin our best shot at a Big 12 title since 2017

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I’m with you. It would be very OSU for something to fall through. At the end of day though I think there’s too much money on the line for the season to fall through.

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