Why do official Oklahoma State Univeristy employees dislike this blog?

Why do types like Gavin Lang always have something to say about the stories y’all post? He had a long reply on Twitter about how OSU hasn’t been ranked in top 20 this year. I don’t get the dislike that comes from them

Gavin isn’t exactly the nicest person in my personal experiences. :man_shrugging:t2:


Agreed. I think it’s more of an indictment on certain people that work in the athletic department, rather than the department as a whole. I mean, Mike Boynton and Mike Holder were on the podcast last year, so it’s not like the whole department feels that way.


While I was there and working in athletics marketing Gavin was always a little uppity and snobby about information and didn’t like when people reported things outside of them saying it. Could be that. Also. Hate to rip the guy but that’s just my experience.

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Yeah it’s just weird. I would think they’d want as much exposure as possible. But it seems they always throw a fit with anything pistols firing does.