With COVID-19 hitting America - what's your current work status?

Just checking back in. Our shop never shut down (Oil & gas, manufacturing). We have worked every day and have not had 1 case (luckily). The last couple of weeks have slowed down for us, but, things appear to be picking back up a bit over the next few weeks.

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Are you rural or in/adjacent to a metro?

Looks like me and my wife will be staying work from home permanently (we work for same company but different divisions). My company has figured out we are more productive at home and they don’t have to pay the utilities or have to cover the onsite amenities like coffee etc, and its saving them a bunch. Plus they are implementing a plan to do social distancing of desks for those that are required to come into the office and looks like there is not enough room for all of us now.


You happy?

Yes and no. I mean the drive was 30-45 minutes each way so saves a lot in gas and time. Plus no spending money on work clothes. It also means not eating out as much which is the part that is both good and bad as I enjoyed that except for the cost. Overall it saves me quite a bit of money but the monotony and lack of substantial human contact is a bit depressing at times. Once there is a widespread vaccine though some of that will get better with after hours stuff that we will be able to resume hopefully.


I think your company is a trendsetter. I think you will see more of this happening across the US. I have a friend that works for Univision, and they have already been told they will not be back in an office until April 2021…

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I like working from home. I’m sad I’m being asked to work more & more from the office. I’d forward the work phone to my cell if I could!

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I’m in Tulsa, OK.

Interesting you haven’t shut down at all.

Not really. We are an essential business, so we were allowed to stay open. I’m glad we stayed open, honestly.