A personal question

I agree with the doc - haters are bad, but vindictive haters are worse. And, never underestimate the hater.


Fair point.

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Tweet out funny post from PFB+ like Reddit CFB does but hide the username.

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I haven’t read all the other comments, but I think promoting your new twitter from the existing(one with 11,500 followers) for a little then totally migrating to the new one sounds like a good idea.

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Maybe I should just give Barstool OKST or OKSTATE Probs the login information.


Now that I think about it @kyleboone, this seems like a way to get advice from your friends without paying for the beers. Well played.


Actually, after read all the comments, I like what DrC said

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It’d be cool if Twitter had a “migrate followers” feature of sorts. I’m guessing maybe a few hundred will jump from PFBoone to my other account, so 11,000 followers are just … gone. (Although I realize there is probably a huge overlap between my two accounts currently.)

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Announcing it on the PF podcast would be good too


We could make it big like probs or barstool without being awful. Like there’s some ■■■■ good content that could come from the forum (nothing that we wouldn’t want out there obviously) and it could be turned to PFB+ chamber. An ad for the forum plus good content that makes people laugh or whatever.


Make it a Mike Gundy parody account


We already have that in GundysVisor, and that guy’s slacking.

I like Scott’s idea because there’s definitely a need for a counter account. But again, I’ll go with what @DrCCowboy stated above. Makes the most sense. It doesn’t mean we can’t make another account. Let us know what handle you come up with Scott.


Could be something as simple as PFBChamber. I’ll actually put some thought in to it if it becomes a thing.

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Leaning towards …

  1. Leaving a note on the PFB account announcing the account will be deactivated
  2. Using language to indicate it is more a “consolidation” of accounts rather than a cancelation (because it’s true)
  3. Encouraging people to merge over to my other account

I do wonder if I should mention the toxicity on the account or if that will just make people think I’m trying to escape criticism.

Keep it active and tweet the picture of you in the OU polo every single day and nothing else.


Make it a recruiting account for Oklahoma State.


Change the handle and profile picture and use it as a burner account.


I think mentioning the toxicity will lead to criticism and people feeling like they won.


True, but not mentioning it at all will make people jump to the conclusion that I’m doing it because of the criticism. So either way its an L