Kyle Boone is a prick. He overvalues himself. You dont know everything. Fire Kyle Boone.
Bullcrap. Kyle Boone is toolbar who needs a dose of humility. Who does he think he is.
This whole thing wouldn’t of even happened if Kyle Boone didn’t go out of his way to point out Gundy’s shirt. No one would of noticed or cared and our football team would still be intact. He is a scum bag reporter that just likes to stir the pot to receive attention so he can feel Important. FIRE HIM
no I’m upset that there appears to be a very real agenda to put Gundy in a negative spotlight. this whole thing blew up because Kyle brought it to the nation’s attention (not taking blame away from Gundy for being tone deaf enough to wear it in the first place), but it wasn’t like he posted it all over social media himself trying to get attention (yes he should be more self aware).
and then once the people who were actually affected by it reached a point where they felt heard and understood, or at least good enough that they were headed in the right direction…it still wasn’t good enough. so apparently a need was felt to continue to drive a wedge between Gundy and the team.
Is this how Kyle Boone is trying to be a ‘grown up’ journalist??? What was he ever thinking???
I’ve never heard of the OAN radio network… what was Skippy’s goal with this ‘article’?? I don’t get it.
I love what Kyle Porter writes. Kyle, please watch what your staff publishes. I think I’m finished with this site- and that makes me kind’s sad. Oh well…
Seems like 90% of journalists are glorified activists.
The funniest part about all of this is Boone purposefully sent this out to stir the pot (why else post it if this is not the case?). The pot was stirred but he was not accredited by anyone in the country for gaining Hubbard’s attention outside of people who know what PFB is, so his hopes of being the center of attention backfired. Then the situation got reconciled, so his goal of separating Gundy from OSU backfired. Now all of the players are even more annoyed with him than they were before this started, making him even more unlikeable by the team and fans.
Congrats @kyleboone, you have created a shht storm on social media at the expense of others and at the expense of a great university. Now you can be the “insider” who reports on it. While it’s just a T- shirt that Gundy should have been aware enough not to wear, you sure went out of your way to bring as much attention as you could. Even retweeting every negative aspect you could as it moved on. Un biased information, I’m sure that’s your response. Nothing about this is unbiased, you used your platform to take a human down a notch. Very vindictive and cruel of you. It was premeditated and cruel. Shame on you. Sleep well.
Why? While Gundy may have an oversized ego, he’s not purposely trying to hurt other people to get ahead. Boone is. That’s a huge difference. Sorry Boone, Gundy makes $5 million plus per year and you think you should have some of that. You need to earn it and if you think tearing others down is the way to get ahead, you have a lot to learn.
Now 4 hours after the article was posted with the message of change, the top headline is still Chuba and Amen sitting out. How are these not flipped?
Kyle Boone is Jenni Carlson 2.0
Everybody is taking everything to far!!! Omg! This is a scary time in this world with politics that run so deep in everyday life and people at peoples throats and every body wants their justice with lots of greed and during a pandemic of all things. Tip of the iceberg.
Deleted for unnecessarily arguing.
Boone has achieved his goal…Sell promotion at the program’s expense…
Keep stirring, keep stirring that pot Kyle We know you don’t like Gundy, you’ve proven that. But we are close to one of our better seasons hopefully. I don’t like it, it’s trash journalism, anything to get a headline doesn’t matter at who’s expense. Chuba and Gundy worked it out almost before you had your first article. That team to the south you like so well, they need covered a little closer. But you idolize Riley too much… Come on !!! You can do better !!
kyle boone got his name in the paper!
“The photo of Gundy was posted on Facebook and shared on Twitter by CBS Sports writer Kyle Boone.”
Gundy didn’t apologize, that dude still thinks he’s righteous like many of your readers here…
Gundy needs to own the moment and make real change, not lip service.
How do you know there are no changes necessary for the football program and Gundy should keep the same rules in place and allow the same language to be used toward players?
I find it ironic how when Robert Allen criticizes the “kid from Dallas” a majority of this blogs readers, myself included, defended Porter and PFB with sentiments that it was unnecessary for Robert to attack someone who was on the same sideline trying to accomplish the same thing yet when the narrative is switched and Boone attacks Gundy who, supposedly he’s on the same sideline as, he’s just doing his job. To that I’ll say, it’s a reporters job to report the news not create it. Kyle Boone you’re an embarrassment. Enjoy residing among the ranks of Sam Smith and Thayer Evans.