Chuba Hubbard Taking Step Back from Twitter after 'Playground for Hate' in Mentions

You got this correct john3. Everyone residing in this country, even if they are not a citizen, has the rights borne out by our constitution. CH is free to express his opinion’s. I do hope that he fully understands that there can be backlash even though he is free to say what he wants.

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Can I ask why you pay to be a premium member, but never post in the premium board?

Truly astonishing… Boone and Porter have a field day with Gundy’s OAN shirt because according to them, it’s too far right, and beyond the pail. “Gundy is free to wear a shirt but not free from criticism, blah blah blah”

Chuba, a Canadian, Demands the resignation of an Oklahoma DA (among others) with a #defundthepolice hashtag, and we get “unfair criticism fired his way on Twitter for his decision to take a stand” from Boone?

Really, you think the criticism is because he’s simply “taking a stand”? No particular stand, just a stand.

How about some consistency?

Susan, Welcome to the blog. Be prepared for backlash if you are going to make those kind of comments. Don’t let that deter you and engage in civil conversation. Some people can be rude. Thick skin helps but stand up for yourself. Once again WELCOME!

It looks like this topic has gained traction nationwide. Not good.

tim22 is making a fallacious argument so maybe he needs to read the first amendment:

There, fixed that for you…

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That’s exactly what Hubbard did with his tweets. You’re trying to make it out like Hubbard was arrested for vandalising something in OKC, but he was just exercising the right of the people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, which is his right… And before you say it doesn’t matter because Hubbard is Canadian, so what? Nowhere does it say it only applies to citizens. It speaks of ‘the right of the people’.


Can you imagine the self righteousness it would take for me to temporarily move to Canada, then start making permanent, and politically motivated DEMANDS of the Canadian Justice system, including the Defunding of Police.

It looks like you’ve got it in you. Believe in your dreams.


I think pretty highly of myself, but not that high.

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Gundy wears shirt, makes a huge deal of it, Gundy deserves all the criticism and scorn. Hubbard calls for defunding the police, the job of an elected official who has done nothing wrong and steps into piles that he either has no idea what’s really in them, understandable, or he actually supports a group that supports eliminating fathers from homes and the killing of over 19m black American children, not understandable but not illegal, criticism is unfair.

Even when you all try to tell a story down the middle you’re simply incapable.
I admire Chuba for putting himself out there whether I agree or not but unlike Chuba this site should and is infinitely better when it sticks to sports.
The piece on Ok kids had me reconsidering re-upping, this piece reminded why I shouldn’t.

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If you don’t want posts flagged, and really want civil conversation (doubting this based on the small body of evidence I’ve seen) maybe don’t use phrases about female genitalia to get your point across?

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Kyle, you would have to work for Fox, OAN, Rush Limbaugh. That way you would only write about conservative conspiracy theories instead of REAL REPORTING. ALSO if you join Q anon and take the oath you would get the majority of fans approval. The truth as well as real journalism isnt going to fly with the majority in this state.

I’m a Christian. Should I not be allowed to speak on the injustices and violent persecutions of Christians in the middle east simply because I don’t live there? Or comment on what I think should happen over there?

Do I need to shut up and stick to Medical Device Sales?

I think all of you who are angry at Chuba need to just take a hard look at yourself and see that you would be fine with people speaking out about issues… if you agreed with those issues.


I support Chuba.


LD has every bit of the size of Hubbard, he’s 3 inches shorter and the same weight as chubba. What LD lacks in comparison to Chuba in height, he makes up for in added muscle that Hubbard doesn’t have. And again, he’s faster than chuba (according to Chuba, at least). I’m not saying LD is or can be as good as Chuba, because he isn’t. Not even close. What I am saying, though, is that he could definitely be a formidable 1st string back. Hubbard had 328 carries last season. The national average for 1st string backs was 231, so Chuba had 97 more carries than the average. If you take those away and give them to LD (not that they should have done that, I’m just using this scenario for reference) and LD’s rushing average stayed the same, he would have had 137 carries for about 820 yards. Which would have put him at 6th in the big 12 in rushing yards, and he was a backup. Just didn’t get the carries because they were all going to Chuba.

I hope he sees this, fam

You should actually read what I wrote.

I did. I quoted it all. If I misunderstand then please elaborate.

Then why don’t you respond to what I actually said, instead of some straw man about christians in the middle east and medical devices.

That last part is real genius though - “If Chuba said something you’d agree with I bet you would agree with him”