CP3 - Passing it around (Cornona/Politics)

Assuming WI has similar laws re: self-defense that OK does, then I agree. However, if reports of the dude initiating this by shooting someone, that will erode his affirmative defense.


Unless of course he shot that other person in defense and then tried to retreat and was chasedā€¦ All comes down to why the first shot was fired.


True, but you also canā€™t just bring a gun to an otherwise peaceful situation and when things go south due in part to your presence with a gun claim self-defense.

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Any PFB+ folks in the Houston area? Better get your tequila and spam stockpiles ready.

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Yeah but there is video evidence that the police where thanking him for being there with his gun and defending a gas station. Even giving him water while at the same time telling others to disperse. This is going to be bad for the Deputies that did this.


In the video heā€™s clearly spraying people at the second scene. But 17? Jeez man.

Candidly I have not spent any time at all Twitter-sleuthing this shooting like @Dribble, so I am intentionally being overbroad in my comments.


Thereā€™s absolutely no leadership in Kenosha.

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What worries me is this: at a certain point legality is not going to matter as things break down. Eventually it falls into the natural state of things (might makes right) and itā€™s going to be a very bad time for everyone who values their freedom because might ultimately becomes a numbers game and human nature quickly breaks down divisions that donā€™t serve our natural instincts to preserve and continue our lineage. Thereā€™s not a lot of room for understanding other points of view when our survival instincts are triggered.

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Totally random and inane comment, but isnā€™t it incredible how quickly people can identify these people now? Why havenā€™t the cops done anything about it, yet? They have all of the evidence they need.

Let me rephrase that, they have all of the information they need to at least arrest the guy. Then, they can determine if he was defending himself or not.


First shot was fired at the auto place where he shot a guy in the head. He fled that scene and ran down the road which is why people were chasing him. He tripped and a guy tried grabbing his gun then he unleashed on anyone close to him. He also stood up and sprayed shots at the crowd in general.

Apparently thatā€™s the kids age.

We still donā€™t even know the name of the officer that shot Blake.

Oh nice, weā€™re getting into ā€œAfrican child soldierā€ territory.

(For reference, thereā€™s a good Vice documentary on Liberia, if you can find it.)

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100% my concern.

ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦thatā€™s young.

Is there any information on what lead to the initial shooting at the auto place? I wouldnā€™t put it past a 17 YO to just get mad and shoot but usually thereā€™s a reason.

There was an earlier conflict between the militia and protestors. Maybe 10 minutes before. The small white guy on the protestors side with the maroon shirt is the guy that got shot in the head.

It was from this conflict.

Sorry if thatā€™s graphic.