Favorite Old School Video Games

It was so awesome back in the day, but like Maarek said earlier, it does not hold up at ALL.

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Doom Eternal is coming out Friday. I’m replaying Doom in preparation.

Favorite Star Wars game was Shadows of the Empire for N64.

Edit: I still wish they made a movie a la “Rogue One”, that focuses on Shadows of the Empire. But now the actors are too old, or dead, unfortunately.

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Man, I really miss playing the KOTOR games (best SW games ever) but they are so ugly and clunky that they are legitimately almost-unplayable at this point in time. Remaster when?

Back in the original Xbox days I found myself playing Mech Assault a ton because I was infatuated with robots. Also Battlefront, Clone Wars and Republic Commando

I played a ton of Dark Forces, never got into Shadows of the Empire…mostly because I never owned my own N64 (always used a fraternity brother’s/dorm buddy’s system). I heard it was really good though.

I’ve specifically avoided KOTOR because that was Xbox (and I hate to call a system that I was an adult when it came out “old-school”) but of all LucasArts games that I put hours and hours of time into…that series would be it.

It was such an incredible series. It just sucks that it’s essentially broken now.


You ever play Heavy Gear (1 or 2)? I found it to be my favorite of the mech games… something really cool about putting a gigantic sniper rifle on a tiny mech so you can blitz to a location and pray you hit their leg with your one shot because it’s gonna take you a bit to get your mech back on its feet when the recoil knocks you on your back.

edit: Reminds me of a favorite gaming moment when me and my dorm neighbor were having a lan-party and I did exactly this on a 1 vs 1 match… he spotted me right as I pulled the trigger and he yelled “what the hell is THAT!?” as I blew the leg off his build. The match went on for a bit longer because it took me a solid 45 seconds to stop laughing and figure out how to get my build back on its feet. This thing was literally the smallest frame that would fit just this one giant rifle. It looked hilarious.

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YES. Really enjoyed those games, and that story is absolutely hilarious!

Sort of related to this thread but largely more current games, I broke down every OSU wrestler that has ever been included in a video game.


Computer games, I could go on forever.

Broke in on Wolfenstein 3D.

Best computer game ever? XCom UFO Defense. Way ahead of it’s time. Destructible buildings in like 91?

Age of Empires
Diablo 1, 2, and 3
WoW, man the hours spent on this one
Civilization 2 thru 6
Delta Force
Mount and Blade

And I could go on, lol

Used to love Axis & Allies on PC

“I’m ready when you are!” Looks left, then right “go pokes”

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So I have a confession to make. I am addicted to Civ 4. Not any of the later versions as much as they changed things I did not like. I have been playing Civ 4 for over a decade with a game going almost all the time. I might play for a week straight in my spare time and then pause for a week or so but I almost always have a game going.


Civ4 was the best one. I bounce back and forth between Civ6, Xcom 2, and Mount and Blade. Haven’t bought a new game in probably a couple of years.

O, and Band of Brothers some too.

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Super Tecmo Bowl
Super Mario
Donkey Kong Country
Space Jam
Super Mario Kart
Don’t remember the name, but we had a SNE game where you hunted each other in a maze (many different options). Split screen, your character looked like a big dodgeball and you shot small dodgeballs at each other. Me and my brother played that on end for hours.
NCAA basketball
Red Dead Revolver

But mostly NCAA football. I’ve played more NCAA than all the other games combined probably.

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Freakin loved X-Com

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