Game Thread: Iowa State šŸˆ

Itā€™s ironic that we keep dogging on Gunnar specifically when heā€™s played the best of the 3 in every single game so far.

And no, this isnā€™t me claiming Gunnar is good. Itā€™s me pointing out that everyone keeps trashing Gunnar for how badly he sucks and heā€™s still played the best of the 3 every game so far, which illustrates how laughably crappy this QB room is right now.


Just heard bowman took bray, Brennan, green, and Stribling to San Diego this summer to train together

40 points a game incoming!


Start Gunnar, 9-3, 40+ points a game :ok_hand:


Just why for F sake canā€™t a 300 lb OL not be able to hold a block for 3 seconds? Or make a crease for a back to go through ? If they are bringing the house donā€™t we have a safety valve to dump it off to ? Itā€™s more than puzzling, pathetic


A turd that stinks slightly less than the others in the yard doesnā€™t change that it is still a turd


Right, but weā€™re all singling out the stench and size of a nugget turd while two heaping piles with green smoke coming off of them are sitting idly by.


Actually, I donā€™t want to include Rangel in this for now. Kinda unfair for him, he didnā€™t have anything to do with last night.


You can argue heā€™s played better than Bowman if you like but you canā€™t say heā€™s been better than Rangel because Rangel hasnā€™t gotten the same amount or even kind of opportunities the past two games. against ASU Rangel got garbage time where they were running the clock out and last night they were in a 19 point hole when he went in.


They are all piles man donā€™t get it twisted


Those are good questions. Itā€™s something we have all asked. Go watch the first three possessions of USAā€™s offense. Look at how their five OL and TE used simple double team blocking schemes to open running lanes. You see very little of that with our team. Plus when we do someone will always whiff a block. Watch USA pass routes and how they used simple crossing routes to confuse our coverages to get receivers open. We on the the other hand run straight down the field and do simple curl ins. The one time we did use a cross route Bray dropped the pas that would have been a TD. But we never ran any after that. The first three possessions of the game for USA and OSU will tell you all you need to know about coaching and schemes. Itā€™s embarrassing. As far as other younger linemen playing, your guess is as good as anyone. We have subbed extensively at every other position other than the offensive line.


My previous post was to David7 questions he had.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: ā€œgreen smokeā€

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Honestlyā€¦I think Rangel has been given a raw deal from Day 1, and should sever ties for his sake. His development is now actively regressing because of this.


All the crowd around me gave a genuine standing ovation when Gunnar came in, because Bowman had been a disaster and Gunnar can at least run.


Our offensive line is extremely unathletic.


I will honestly be shocked if we score a TD in this game. If we dont score on the scripted first drive, it could get ugly again.

Rangel reminds me a bit of Mason Rudolphā€™s career in the NFL. Mason had a chance to come in after Big Ben went down and entrench himself as the headliner QB, but unfortunately, he didnā€™t. Similarly, Rangel had a chance to truly take the reins last year when Sanders and Gunnar went down, but he didnā€™t. All the QBs have been somewhat stunted by the 2023 carousel, but no one can say they havenā€™t had an opportunity to earn the job. As @JimD noted, the only reason Gunnar looks relatively better than Bowman and Rangel [at least to non-PFBers] is because he can run for his life and get some yards when the other two cannot. That doesnā€™t necessarily mean everyone thinks Gunnar is amazing. Just as Spencer Sanders taught us in his tenure here, you have to be able to run fast as QB when you have zero O-line and zero offensive creativity.

Iowa state runs a 3-3-5 too. Might not be same one as South Alabama. USA runs a 3-3-5 which is close to OSU one. But USA might have given ISU defense some ideas about how to defend us.

Same as USA keep the rover at between Safety and LBs, keep crashing to stop run at first, then do the opposite the next half.

I hope he starts gunnar the rest of the way and the memesters get what they asked for

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Some have been given more opportunities than the others. Their total drive counts are below. Gunnar and Bowman have the most. Rangel hasnā€™t been given the same opportunities as the other two. Heā€™s basically been given half the drives as the other two considering the situations heā€™s entered in during 2 of the games.

Gunnar - 13 drives (1 drive was game ending drive vs CArk)
Bowman - 12 drives
Rangel - 9 drives (1 was a game ending drive vs ASU, 2 drives vs USA when the team was down by 3 scores)