Hubbard, Ogbongbemiga Won't Participate at OSU 'Until Things Change' After Seeing Gundy in OAN Shirt

Don’t let the door hit ya…

O thought you Were actually involved in their conversation so you would know it to be true. Sorry man I’m not running with only one side of the story lol.

I’m talking about players from 10-15 years ago.

Exactly what is it that these players consider “insensitive” or “unacceptable” about the photo? I would like them to explain…and I don’t need someone to say “you are missing the point” if you have to ask because that doesn’t explicitly address the question.

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Very disappointed in the players. To threaten their coach over a freaking t-shirt. I thought Chuba, especially was above that kind of behavior. And could that press conference with he and Gundy have been more awkward?

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