Kasey Dunn, OSU OC Notes

What’s up with the hate on Sam anyways? I know he’s critical on OSU at times, but aren’t we all? Why doesn’t he get a pass when we all do? If you look at his Instagram page, he’s still VERY much pro-OSU. Does he talk about OU more than I’d prefer? Sure. He’s literally paid to do that though.


Probably would be best if we don’t derail this thread into a Sam Mayes discussion.


Wasn’t my intentions, and I agree. I’m just curious as to why so many OSU fans seemingly despise the guy over a few tweets.

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Sam Mayes’ wife 1000% confirmed.


I’m guessing that she’s not defending him too much these days considering the pretty nasty divorce they are going through right now…

to put it plainly, his whole shtick is essentially to appeal to negativity, usually in the form of OU fans that dislike Okstate.
There’s a difference between being critical and being out to complain about every possible scenario as it increases your engagement.

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…new girlfriend…?

Now I am not trying to be critical, but he is a human. I think we should maybe leave his parenting and marital issues out of the forum. Again not being rude just feel bad for his situation regardless of his attitude about OSU most of the time. I wouldn’t want that said about any of y’all in here or myself.

Just my personal opinion and it’s okay if you don’t agree. :slight_smile:


Agreed. That’s personal and we are all better than that. He’s still an osu alumn and an Oklahoman (and a human)


I removed my post. I’m not agreeing or promoting what is publicly available information, but I should not have made the comment. I agree it’s personal and I shouldn’t have said it. Mea Culpa…


Well Gleeson isn’t going to Rutgers so really Sam is just kicking up mud to sow discord in the program, for all I’m concerned.

Penn State or Notre Dame? Probably… But Gleeson is too smart to go to Rutgers.

Penn State hired Kirk Ciarrocca from Minnesota to be their OC, but I agree, it could be a career-killer to go to Rutgers and work for Schiano.

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I would leave to because he aint calling plays at all.

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Lol if u dont like sam mayes its ridiculous. Come on most of you dont like him bc he talks bout ou. Well boys if they pay you to talk you talk. If thats not reason then u prove you soft osu fan.

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Y when u could go somewhere where u can do your job. Gundy lets him sit up in box watching like a little child.

Didn’t particularly like him long before he got paid to talk or was relevant around OSU media

Wouldn’t feed the troll. You’d think $80 would be a steep enough barrier to entry…


Yeah, dropping that subject

So, if Gleeson is staying, what are we looking at? Dunn as passing game coordinator and a role in play calling along w associate Head Coach in waiting? I love the thought of Gundy planning his exit, but I don’t see him following through on any notion of that

With everything swirling and our claims from the transfer portal, I’m going to wishfully think that Gundy recognizes the growing dissatisfaction and realizes he needs to change his ways to restore the level of his legacy.

Finally, I’d like to offer my services as a volunteer offensive analyst since I played intermural football at OSU.
A) In goal-line and short yardage situations, play-action fake and throw to a tight end, especially the one you have who is 6-7”. Statistically, that play is successful 99.23% of the time in the history of college football
B) … uh, that’s all I’ve got

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Anyone see Amens cryptic GIF LOL.

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