Mike Gundy, OSU Football Are Changing with the Times

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/mike-gundy-osu-football-are-changing-with-the-times/

From the front office, to the coaching staff, to the players, OSU is making a hard pivot this offseason.

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“ We’re not so naive to think that that’s going to have to be that way moving forward. So we have to deal with the hand that we’re all being dealt in college football and that essentially free agency can happen at any time. …”

This isn’t something new. Everyone was telling him this when it started in 2021. He was the one that decided to be stubborn about it. It literally took going last place in the conference and a firing of almost the entire coaching staff that he hired for it to change. The only one that was naive to this change the entire time was Gundy himself.


Stop spitting facts, the Dumby homers will come after ya. :joy:

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Clown: tHe GaMe HaS pAsSeD gUnDy By, He CaN’t ChAnGe
Gundy: (changes)
Clown: hE sHoUlD’vE cHaNgEd SoOnEr


He is like any corporate executive…
Not concerned about anything but corporate survival and that great big pay check.

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Yes but you need to produce to keep getting the paycheck.

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Like 3-9?

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That’s exactly his issue. He’s not 40 year old Gundy. He’s 57 and stubborn Gundy. Gundy doesn’t listen to anyone but Gundy until it threatens his ego and pride being the “CEO” of the program. A lot of older coaches followed that same path and found themselves on the chopping block. He would be better as a politician. That way he can convince his naive base on how he fixed an issue he created in the first place :+1:.

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The damage is already done. F—k Gundy. Should’ve been fired years ago.


Who attached to this thread honestly expected Gundy to shift from “We grow NFL Ametuer athletes” to " Yeah, were the NFL D league" in a year?
Yes 3-9 was awful. Took my son to the first game of the season, we were pumped. Then everyone sat on their collective feelings and sucked in every direction after Arkansas.

When our D fell apart, Our O stopped working. It was what it was.
Players, Coaches, Management. They failed as a group.

Gundy is 57 and the man I would hope most of us know by now. good and bad.

That man would have never made this level of clense if he didn’t care.
I cannot wait to see what coaches can do when big G. isn’t interfering. I’ve had enough of that OSU football. “COUGH!! j. jones COUGH!!”

I give Kudos to a stubborn, sensable, conservative, smart, talented idiot of a head coach we have.
The man I believed him to be could not have done this.

Hope we don’t have to wait another year for a winning record. even 6 games will give me hope.


So, easy to see you’re quite fine waiting another 13 years to win the conference. Mediocre Mike has another worshiper.

I can already see it. " He went 3-9 again but he won a conference game, so that’s improvement "

He can’t win the conference, Mediocre Mike is just not that kind of coach. Period.


Gundy isnt the only one who was slow to embrace it. He may have been one of the slowest, but this was a massive shift in college football that happened very, very quickly.


I agree with this. Gundy isnt the only coach/program that was slow to adjust to this new landscape. He may have been the most stubborn and one of the slowest, but hes definitely not the only one. But if I were an OSU fan, id be upset that it took him this long but happy that its changing.

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Q. If he was all in then why did he sit on his backside all those years?

A. No accountability.

I think thats a really simplifying answer to what is a very complicated question. The NIL & portal have all come in such a hurry that the NCAA couldnt handle it. Gundy wasnt the Lone Ranger in that scenario


The head coach should be the visionary leader and should have seen this kind of thing coming over the horizon and been on it.
Instead he was too busy micromanaging his coaching staff.

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@tulsa1 In what world was a HC enough of a “visionary leader” to know how to navigate the NIL waters at a place where you initially had no NIL? Im not arguing that Gundy shouldve and couldve been better earlier. But to act like everyone was on the cutting edge of this deal and Gundy was the lone bumpkin is just dumb


We will have to agree to disagree.

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@tulsa1 What should Gundy have done early on? OSU didnt have the capacity to pay players yet. They didnt have a collective formed or even the structure to do it. Again. he was still hesitant at best and defiant at worst…but thats not a HC that makes those decisions. Texas was the first that really set up something through the school and that was in 2021. There isnt a single coach out there who was spearheading that at any point. Theres plenty to criticize Gundy for, but NIL at OSU is not one of them.


It’s his overall attitude. He’s only recently supported it. For the previous two years, he’s openly said in radio interviews that he doesn’t care for it. If you hate the direction of college football, get out like Saban did. NIL and portal aren’t disappearing. They will be legislated more as time passes, but they ain’t leaving. Ed O’Bannon made sure of that.

Being hesitant or defiant as you stated earlier only makes it more difficult to catch up. If he’s not going to be supportive, get out. He doesn’t need to spearhead it, but at least don’t be a roadblock.