Oklahoma State Running Back Ollie Gordon Arrested Early Sunday Morning

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/oklahoma-state-running-back-ollie-gordon-arrested-early-sunday-morning/

Gordon was arrested on suspicion of DUI and other possible charges.

Dumbass move. Gotta be smarter than that. At least he was close to the limit and not way over


Fortunately he didn’t injure or kill anyone driving like that on the freaking interstate

  1. He was in Cleveland County (Norman);
  2. He was driving at 2:30 a.m.;
  3. He was speeding.

I trust Gundy to do what is right. Whatever punishment is rendered will be good with me – that could be one series; that could be dismissal. In Gundy I Trust!


Time to initiate the Justin Blackmon Buddy System 2.0


I’m betting a one game suspension. That feels about right.

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Yeah let ollie see what happened to JB . It’s a hard lesson but hopefully he can be reached .

And underage

Dismissal for a first offense DUI?!?!?!? Man thats tough.

I doubt he even misses a snap unless he has another issue before the season starts.

I bet he either gets a series missed, doesnt start or they handle it in-house. Dont punish a kid for what couldve been. Punish him for what is/was. He is a 20yr old who got a DUI. Nothing more. Nothing less. This is coming from an OU guy who gets labeled as being a troll. Im sure you guys would say the same if he were wearing crimson :wink:


There’s a lot of time to stairmaster bw now and the start of the season .


He’ll get in house punishment and hopefully learns his lesson. I hate to say it, but it’s a college kid doing college kid things (all be it a very bad thing). I’ll support Gundy with whatever he chooses.

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I know others probably think of you as a troll but I’ve only ever seen you play nice over here. That being said, Ollie will probably get a punishment similar to Baker after Fayetteville. We roast OU for handling things “internally”, but unfortunately that’s probably what Gundy will do with this case.


You’re far from being a troll. Hell, there’s a couple of OSU "fans " on this site who are way more trollish :laughing:

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I’m hoping for and anticipating a 1-2 game suspension. DUIs take away lives. It’s not a small offense.
A non-con suspension may not seem like a big punishment, but to a kid wanting to win the Heisman and a second Doke, it would be a tough pill to swallow.


and he did it in our rivals backyard :confused:

Last year in September Trey Rucker got a DUI because he fell asleep at a stoplight in Stillwater. It was his second DUI, having his first in 2021 ( he was also accused of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and giving false information to a police officer). I don’t recall him missing any time, but he wasn’t a star like Ollie is. I would guess, Gundy’s punishment will be he cannot go to B12 Media Days and it will be handled in-house and maybe he misses the first series of the first game. Maybe, he misses the first quarter. At most he misses the first half but nothing more.

He is not getting kicked off the team.

Just don’t let him play in the SD State game. It’s not like we would’ve given him the ball in the first game anyway.