PFB+ Basketball Recruiting

There is such understated beauty here…

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Not to be a debbie downer here, just looking at other ways to evaluate class rankings. Right now, OSU is about 25th in the country in average player ranking. Just something to think about. Some of these other classes will have more members added that could theoretically lower their average player ranking. I love our class, just thought that was interesting.


Oh don’t be negative or say something against this basketball squad… @cade doesn’t like it. :wink:


It wasn’t meant to be critical, I promise! It is just how my brain works.

It’s for this reason I’ve never jumped in on the ‘class ranking’ conversation. It’s pointless unless you are discussing a period of greater than 4 years. (lookin’ at you HCMG!)

Next year we will have a pretty low ranked class in BBall (unless more than just Cade goes pro) if you look at just the numbers.

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I was just making a joke from yesterday. He didn’t like that I pointed out Bruce Weber was right that OSU hasn’t sent many to the pros any time recently. :man_shrugging:t2:


I know. I just felt the need to clarify. FWIW, if you remove Pena it bumps us near the Top 10 again on average player ranking. Average player ranking is also not a great metric to use individually because individual player outliers can heavily impact that average - both good and bad.

Or unless Boynton pulls in another Cade level player.

So…Greg Brown to Stillwater? Seems like Coach B. and Co. will be very busy the next 10 days. As of right now Texas is ■■■■ near last in recruiting. If your’e GB who do you choose to play for?

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I think Rook’s point is that even if we get Salis, if you only have 2 recruits signed in the class you’re going to be in the mid 20’s recruiting ranking wise most likely. Arizona State is a good case study. They have 2 commits: the #35 overall player and #10 overall player. Their overall recruiting ranking for 2020 is #33.


Holy crap.




Wow tough 24 hours for Michigan. Lose out on Christopher and now Todd.


That will probably have them pursue Brown all that harder now that they can use a PF.

I’m surprised it took Todd this long. There have been rumblings about this for a long time but I figured it would’ve happened by now.

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Can’t do that, we already called dibs on Brown.


Gotta bump our class up 1 spot now

Dibs are dibs. That’s sound logic.