PFB+ Running Challenge

Now if we were to incorporate biking and use the following:

“The general rule of thumb is there is a 1:3 run-to-bike ratio, meaning one mile of running at a moderate effort equals three miles of cycling at that same effort level. Cycling 12 miles is the equivalent of running four miles, with both effort levels being the same in a very general sense for cardiovascular fitness.”

I might get behind this because I’ve been looking for a reason to get on my Peloton.

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Second. (The cycling, that is)

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I’d say there ought to be some cut off, or you should take “running” out of the title.

Glad this is a thing though! I signed up, and I’m ready to see what mileage everyone can manage.

Third! (Cycling)

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Yeah, I kinda willy-nilly threw that out but it is, indeed, a RUNNING competition. Not a walking competition or speed-walking competition. Jogging pace required to log miles. That’s basically the only requirement!

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I think the runners are scared of the cyclist. We can even do 4:1 ratio if y’all scared.






I often do both, and I think 4:1 is a little closer. For me anyway. Avg heart rate on the bike (outdoors actual cycling) is 10-15 bpm lower for me than running. You know, downhills and such…

:cowboy_hat_face: Week left to sign up! :cowboy_hat_face:

Could you add a upload of screenshot from workout apps? Would be fun! Something like this?

Totally would join but have a torn cervical disc…docs are mad at me for doing too much already. :face_with_head_bandage: Only allowed to walk. :weary:

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Me, on June 1:



:wave:. Glad you are joining in for the fun!

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It was pretty spectacular. Goggins is a beast. It can be either intimidating or inspiring… haven’t determined which one yet!

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I am unprepared for this month-long challenge, but I am looking forward to tracking this thing with y’all. Should be fun.


Just signed up as well! Now lets hope I can get this blister on the bottom of my toe healed up by the 1st haha

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New Skin. Don’t mind the burn lol

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I wish I hadn’t given myself a stress fracture recently from too much running! Y’all have fun.

No chance in hell I win but I’ve been trying to be healthier and run more and this is a good way to hold myself accountable!