Marshall will probably get to this in the offseason, but I thought I could start some discussion now. You can see each of the 14 uniform combinations used for the 2021 football season in the image (I pulled most of them from PFB articles). How would you rank them? You have to rank the complete combinations and not say you like the color but hate the helmet logo or this one would have been the best if they used the Cursive Cowboys logo, etc. Work with what actually happened! [Does anyone have experience using a free ranker app so the data can be consolidated and actually ranked by PFB+ members???]
Here is my ranking:
Game 5 - Baylor (B w/Logo, O, B)
Game 12 - Bedlam (B w/Script, B, O)
Game 10 - TCU (B w/Phantom Pete, B, B)
Game 14 - Fiesta (B w/Script, W, O)
Game 11 - Texas Tech (W w/Script, W, W)
Game 8 - Kansas (B w/Throwback, O, W)
Game 9 - West Virginia (O w/Script, W, O)
Game 3 - Boise St (B w/Logo, W, O)
Game 4 - Kansas State (W w/Little Pete, B, W)
Game 1 - Missouri St (W w/Little Pete, O, O)
Game 13 - Big 12 Championship (O w/Logo, O, W)
Game 6 - Texas (B w/Logo, W, B)
Game 7 - Iowa St (B w/Phantom Pete, W, G)
Game 2 - Tulsa (W w/Logo, G, W)
Game 12 – Bedlam
Game 5 – Baylor
Game 10 – TCU
Game 9 – West Virginia
Game 11 – Texas Tech
Game 4 – Kansas State
Game 8 – Kansas
Game 1 – Missouri State
Game 14 – Notre Dame
Game 6 – Texas
Game 7 – Iowa State
Game 13 – Big 12 Championship
Game 3 – Boise State
Game 2 – Tulsa
I’m still not over this. The equipment staff threw out fire all year, and then in the biggest game of the year, they laid one GIANT stink bomb. Seriously might be my least favorite combo we’ve rolled out in this current set of unis. Nothing will ever be as bad as the orange helmets with little bo Pete and the orange brand though.
I’m just now realizing that our road unis would look so much better with orange numbers and black outline. Too many of our road combos have hardly any orange. Hopefully the next set is like that.
The ISU combo would rank higher on my list if we won. I said the championship combo sucked before the game even started though. After the game it sucked even worse