Singles thread

Was in San Diego last June, can confirm. I didn’t take advantage, of course, because I’m taken, LOL, but for younger single dudes, it can be fun.

You must not have heard, but the “Dad bod” is the “in” thing and muscles are out.

Have Dad Bod… can confirm that more fit guys typically do better with the ladies than I do.

  1. Moved into a newly formed group data strategy (they forgot to take away old responsibilities) so a lot of weekend work until I can transition stuff away
  2. Have given up booze (for the most part). THC only now.
  3. I swim a crazy amount (have a 7 mile swim race in April, and will swim across Lake Tahoe in August solo 12 miles)
    3b. I sleep a lot 10-11 hrs, see 3.
  4. Always researching companies to invest in, both private & public (related to work kinda but its a passion).
  5. Irrational obsession with OSU sports - have to be careful as a pokes loss can ruin my day on occasion.
  6. Datings apps, not for me. Hate’em.

What’s THC? :nerd_face:

I’ll let Creed and Dwight take this one

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Look at you Mr. Big Time! As I order a full pitcher of beer while traveling for work


Switched out booze for THC a few years ago and that was probably one of the better health decisions I have made as an adult.


This isn’t the first cheap thing that comes to mind when I think Tijuana…


Oh hey look who’s back

Yes, I am still hungover.


Proud of you.

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Ah yes, cheap donkey shows.


Has anyone been to Hong Kong that’s in Tijuana?

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That place is really something. The US Government has advised the thousands of young men under its employ in that area to stop attending lol


I agree 100%… You’ll see a big drop in alcohol sales when its federally legal.

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big drop, nah. Maybe a slight dip. But the alcohol industry is ALMOST bullet proof.

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I don’t think there will be a big drop either, because eventually you’re gonna have bars where you can by pre rolled stuff and other ways to smoke in addition to their liquor license. Maybe they will have to be separate, but who knows I just want it a reality already.

Nielsen did a ten year study (medical states only) and counties that were medical saw an average 15% decline in monthly alcohol sales. This was based on sales numbers vs doing consumer survey data. The study ran from 2006-2015 published in 2018

As the stigma of “pot” dies I think this jumps more. Imo only

liquor stores (in OK and many other states) are not mandated in reporting to Nielsen. In OK all the “liquor sales” from Nielsen generally come from a few stores that will give that info up and now grocery and chain stores.

Its was 90 chains, but I have no idea who/what made up those 90 chains.