Some news

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let y’all know that my latest scans revealed that my cancer is back and has metastasized in both my right and left lungs. Found out Monday and met with my oncologist Tuesday to go over a treatment plan. Going to be starting an aggressive chemo regimen this coming Monday that requires hospitalization for five days (and I’ll be doing this over the next few months).

This is obviously a setback in my recovery and pretty concerning – recurrence in one lung is #notgood and recurrence in both is #bad – so they want to try and get on top of it as soon as possible. Was told there was less than a 5% chance of recurrence after the chemo I did the first time, so I’m one of the very few that this happens to, unfortunately. They’re working now to re-stage me and everything, so not sure on that specific. Stage 3 or 4, according to my friends who can’t help but frantically WebMD everything I tell them. (The docs keep throwing stats at me, but kinda feel I don’t want to put much stock in them after being one of the few to be in the 5% or less category.)

Anyway, feel kinda bad just dumping this out there – it’s kinda heavy news especially considering I haven’t met most of you – but I consider PFB part of my family and so I wanted to share before this eventually got out. Will try to be around as much as possible between hospitalizations. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have been supportive during this last year and give a special shout to Marshall, who is an incredibly understanding and compassionate boss and friend, and to Cox, who is basically a brother from another mother. Y’all are the best.

That’s all! I’m always an open book on this stuff so if you have any questions AMA.


(Edit: my buddy set up a GoFundMe for our family because, of course, we’re going to hit our insurance max again in 2022 since half my chemo is in next calendar year. So if you want to help, that and some prayers are most helpful right now as we try and navigate all this.


I’m sorry to hear this Kyle. I know I’m a random stranger on the internet but you will be in my thoughts. If there is anything we can do as a family, please let us know.

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I am so sorry Kyle, me and my family will pray for you!!!


big prayers for you, man.


So sorry to hear that Kyle. Stay strong brother, the road will be long, but you can beat this.


I am so sorry Kyle. My family will be praying for you. Stay strong buddy! Go Pokes.


Prayers for you and your family


Sorry to hear this Kyle. Fight and overcome. You and your family with be in my prayers.


The prayer posse is behind you and your family, Kyle. We ride with the Boones. Good luck and stay strong.


Kyle, please keep us posted on any way we can rally behind you and provide support, both tangible or otherwise. I would be happy to send some financial assistance, arrange for a dinner delivery, and pray with specific intention.

Thanks for all you’ve done for this community. We are here for you.


So sorry to hear this, Kyle. Will definitely add you to my prayers, but also know you’ll kick cancer’s a**.


Really sad to hear this news, but thank you for sharing it with us here. I always enjoy your work and your contributions to the forum. I know we’ll all do what we can.


Sorry to hear this Kyle. Praying for you and the Fam! That does make you elite since you are in the 5% category! :slight_smile: But you got this! My wife is an oncology nurse for a long time if you need to ask questions or want to know about any of the new stuff they are putting you on, let me know! I’d be happy to send meals to you and the fam as I am sure others on the board would as well! Either to the hospital or home.

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@DJMH raying for full healing and calm nerves! Very anxious about it. And I know my family will be going thru a lot more. If you want to help financially the GoFundMe is here. Will help pay insurance again and go towards meals to ease my wife’s burden since I will be in and out of the hospital and she will be handling kiddo during those times. Thank you so much.


I agree :slight_smile:


Thanks, fellow TulsaPoke :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear this Kyle. You kicked its butt before, and you’ll do it again! Prayers man!


Finally, I’m an elitist! :slight_smile: I’m doing TIP chemo regimen (?), which is different from BEP last cycle, but I had a friend go thru the same regimen recently so I kinda feel like I know what to expect . . . not too thrilled about it!! lol


Thanks for the update. We’re behind you, man. I wish I had more insightful words. You’ll whip this thing’s tail like we did OUs last weekend


I’m praying for you and your family