Thanksgiving Dishes Ranked

I think I’m just pro-casserole.

Sweet potatoes and marshmallows are underrated as hell.

Marshmallows on sweet potatoes is so…elementary school. :expressionless:

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Yeah, and so are chicken nuggets but those are awesome sometimes too. Not at Thanksgiving but in general.

You could put a bunch of nuggets into the shape of a turkey.

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Would be a thousand times better than Pecan pie.

1. Mashed Potatoes
2. Pie 
3. Rolls
1,058. Turkey

*garlic mashed potatoes without gravy

Gravy is simply a cheat tool.

Simply saute a ton of garlic in the butter before mixing it into the potatoes. And remember, always double whatever a recipe says as far as garlic is concerned.


Steaks for lunch and leftovers made in to fajitas.

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Growing up, my extended family never really cared much for turkey. What was always enjoyed though was when my grandma would hand make chicken and noodles. Those were the absolute best and were so good that my mom (despite knowing the recipe) won’t make them because they just can’t be recreated.

Tomorrow though we drive down to my parent’s place and dad is smoking a brisket and making hamburgers and hotdogs for the kids. Add in a slice of pecan pie and the time together as a family and that is what Thanksgiving is. Food is great, great food is better, but the food is to celebrate another year on this earth with the people we love and that makes all of it taste just a bit better.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!


I’ve toughed it out with you on the CFA take, but this is where we part ways.


Agree 100% on CFA, but Porter is in the gutter with this Thanksgiving take.

  1. Pecan Pie
  2. Smoked Turkey
  3. My grandma’s dressing. Most others are just a guy.
  4. Corn Casserole
  5. Mashed Potatoes and gravy.
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It’s hard to beat for sure.

1- Mac and Cheese
2- Rolls
3- Mashed Potatoes
4- Coit’s Rootbeer


This is the closest I’ve ever come to reporting a post :rage:

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