The Removal of ‘Murray’ from OSU Buildings Is Not Only Justified, It’s Long Overdue

His name being on the building has been controversial for a lot more than 2 weeks. More like at least 2 decades.

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That is probably accurate and I’m not saying this isn’t something that should have been done years ago. But I would say for a large majority of people, who Murray was isn’t common knowledge. I could be wrong on that but I was unaware of who he was. My entire point was more that this was never a conversation starter to discuss racism. I have a hard time believing college students learn about racism because they are talking about Murray Hall. So Jeff trying to use that as an excuse is just weak.

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I definitely agree with you on the whole, it was more just to say that a lot of things people are just learning about have been issues for a long time. There are more avenues for people to make their voices heard about things like this now. If you didn’t happen to pick up an O’Colly on the right day when I was in school, you probably wouldn’t know about it.

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Not really, not very often anyway; and it certainly isn’t the point of the statue. The statue is purely meant to honor that person, and often has a little note as to why they are being honored so that you don’t have to look them up. That is where the statues differ greatly from places like the Holocaust that everyone is trying to compare this to. The intended purpose of keeping places like Auschwitz active as tourist areas is to bring attention to the dark travesties of that era and it paints that awful picture very clearly. These statues are trying to cover those dark issues up and pretend those issues were never there.

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You make no sense at all

“Not really” “not often” these are words of uncertainty! If you’re going to make a statement you better feel confident about it. I don’t need your wishy washy responses. I love you guys twist everything lol

I knew about the massacre 18 years ago (when I was still high school). People act like if you defend evil history it means your a bigot or racist. I look at it as an information book to not repeat the same mistakes and to provide better solutions from which we can learn that incorrect solutions have consequences as well.

We are all getting trolled right?

What gets me about this entire thing about removing Murray’s name is how people think this will change anything.

I don’t have a problem with it. What I want to know is specifically how removing names and statues makes your life better?

Do you think this will totally eradicate racial discrimination and bias on campuses or any other place for that matter? How exactly is this helping you as an individual?

I don’t believe it is helping me as an individual. I believe it is helping society as a whole. We can choose who we wish to honor. How do you extricate the positives of Murray’s legacy from the negative and honor that when his legacy is his support of racist policies? I don’t believe you can. We should honor people who reflect the values we believe should be honored.

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‘Not really’/‘not often’ = yes, one or two out of 100 or more might, but most will not because they have the sign there instead. Not ‘wishy washy’ or twisting, just realistic. And my comment made complete sense if you took the time to think about it. Motive matters. The reason behind the statue matters. The statues are meant to honor, not teach about history. Auschwitz is left standing to teach about history. Different motive so different treatment. Perfectly logical unless you just want to be dense and confrontational for the sake of being dense and confrontational.

Everyone holds different values Brent. You can still have good values, but also have a different perspective or distinct difference in values that are common. Just because yours may differ from someone else’s doesn’t mean your perspective of values are essentially correct all the time. That is the problem most rational people are having with these types of groups.

For example, I believe in God and I have a very good friend who is an Atheist. We both have in common basic moral and ethical values. What we don’t do is go around demanding people take action for our own agenda. Wanna remove Murray’s name? That’s fine I suppose. I just don’t think it’s going to solve anything and someone else on campus will just find something additional to complain about.

Sure seems like it’s going to solve the problem of a white supremecist having his name on buildings on campus.

If you say so. All that is going to happen is once that is completed someone on campus will find something else that they think needs to be removed and it will not stop. Give a person with an agenda an inch they’ll take a mile.

You have no positive case for keeping it. You just don’t like the people who want to change it.

They sure look like flaming liberals.

I never said I had a positive case for keeping it. In fact what I said was “I have no problem removing it.”

What I’m telling you is that this will never stop and the people advocating this change will take it incredibly too far.

The next thing to happen will be the removal of Henry Iba’s name from OSU’s campus coupled with the removal of Eddie Sutton’s name from the court because a player from 30 years ago will claim he said something racist.

So at what point do we stop?

Somewhere after Murray and before Iba.

Right so you didn’t answer his question because it doesn’t help normal every day folks by tearing down history. You see Brent is on a false mission and if you ask him important questions about his false mission he responds with a lot of words that mean nothing. Like Sam Presti does the thunder fans. Brent dosent know who that is because he’s just a troll from the BLM and he won’t let hard questions or facts get in his way to destroy america. Don’t wast intelligent questions on Brent. You need to follow him and you will find out what he is all about.


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