The Top 5 Quotes from Mike Gundy's Post-West Virginia News Conference

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‘My job is to pay attention to the game and not pay attention to the crowd.’

fart noise my guy actually said the scheme is good.

And if Rangel plays next game we will still suck eggs. We know what he is capable and it ain’t pretty. At this point have the team race and put the fastest guy at QB and run wildcat.


He should go take a lesson from the Mizzou head coach on what a post-game presser looks like when you got your butt handed to you.


“ we need to be over four yards a carry.”

You should probably worry about averaging more than 5.7 points in the first half against P4 teams :+1:. Then you might not find yourself behind by multiple scores later in the game numb nuts.



But yeah, its the defense’s fault the offense sucked puke.


Rather than saying I’m responsible and here is what I’m going to do to fix this; Gundy just yaps about nothing…

Absolutely pathetic!!!


To be fair, averaging over 4 yards per carry would likely lead to averaging more points per half.

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I doubt it. More than likely we would still averages 6 points in the first half like we have. Plus I can always count on Dunn to not score touchdowns in the red zone.


Actually, Mike, your job does include taking to the fans. Why is that? Well, because you hit on it in your follow up comment about how the fans pay to come to the game. They (and I, today, for the first time in years) paid a handsome sum to watch your team blow chunks. Our $ is what pays your salary.

I’m a pilot. I fly people to their destination. If we are severely delayed or we divert to another airport, by your logic, it’s only my job to get them ultimately to their destination. Not my job to talk to them.

Yeah, not quite. If my chief pilot is onboard, he’d be pulling me aside and saying, get your ass on that PA and give a mea culpa to the folks and an honest explanation. I hope Chad corrects your severely faulty logic and lack of humility.


Ignoring our 2 Coordinators (we can see they have no idea what schemes work), we need a QB that has a brain. How many third and longs (while down 20+ points were thrown to check downs or out of bounds). Sooner or later you have to want to win at all cost.


My school. My coach. My program. Loyal & True.


I appreciate the sentiment. But let’s try an analogy: 1) My country, my president, my policies – is that how you are with every President or have you ever voted against an incumbent because you didn’t think they were doing a good job? My guess is you value your country over your president…just like those people voicing their complaints value our school, our football players, our fans over our coaching staff.


I don’t even need to watch Gundy’s pressers after a major loss. I could write up the automated NPC responses and nail 80% of it. Where is the passion, where is the dedication to the players and the school…a simple “we as coaches have failed and we have to do better” would go a long way.


This is unfortunately a fair point. :face_exhaling:

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Not having the ball for enough time is a direct result of poor offensive play, not the other way around! This has to be the most inane statement/excuse that I have ever heard.

You can’t win against decent competition with horrific schemes and awful QB play. Dunn has to go. Nardo is not making any progress - if anything, it’s going backward. Bowman might be serviceable if we had decent play calling and OL play, but we don’t. Your only hope here is a highly mobile QB and he’s not.


Yep……never understood why we trying running QB draw with a guy that has the speed of a tortoise. Some of our players aren’t built to the schemes we want to run. I think that’s evident across the OL as well. It’s amazing to me how a guy gets paid 8 mil a year to recognize this and ignores that it’s just one of many issues :man_shrugging:.


“Well my job is to not talk to the fans,” Gundy said. “My job is to coach the team…" — That’s what they’re booing, Einsteen! But Gumby will fix all the issues in no time…and Da Nile is a river in Africa.


Maybe, but not necessarily, esp when your QB1 is a turnover machine.

8.5! If they wanna forget the 500k it can land in my account. :sob:

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Huh? The coach thinks we need to tackle, block, run, and pass better. What a genius. How about we coach better?

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