The Top 5 Quotes from Mike Gundy's Pre-BYU News Conference

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‘Well, I had a little run-in with my cattle over the weekend. I guess they’ve been watching us play. I got headbutted.’

I ain’t fallin’ for head-butt thing!

“You really love Oklahoma State, you really love Oklahoma State football, you want to help us — be aware of the situation that’s at hand with recruits that are there and watching.”

The recruits are probably paying more attention to the coaching staff. Maybe the coaching staff should be aware that the recruits are there, and watching what they do? They’re probably wondering how the hell the best coach in school history can find himself dead last in the conference, and doing it while he returned the most starters in the conference :man_shrugging:.


True Bill, along with NIL money that’s more than what OU is paying this season.

And all apologies, but I feel a rant coming.

Admittedly, we all feel this way because of the fantastic coaching job Gundy has been doing and the success that has brought. But that success has future expectations attached. He has the facilities, the budget, and the NIL backing to get just about whatever he needs. We’re not a poor school, and I remember very well the “rustoleum” days when I went to school there.

What Coach Gundy needs to also understand is that he is producing an “entertainment” product that is for sale. If that product stinks on the field, he won’t do well when he sells it next time. How many season ticket holders – or donors – has he pissed off with this talk?

Stop with the disconnected “man up” BS. How about Man Up and fire a coach or two (whether he’s your friend or not) that’s not doing their job up to par – or telling them they will be fired if they can’t call better plays? How about putting in the second-string QB after everyone realized his #1 QB stunk after the fourth game? He’s talking like he’s got nothing to prove, but the “man up” fact is we all have to prove it every day in the workplace, or we don’t get to stay. NIL made this a professional’s game, and that means he and his staff and players are in the same performance boat as we are.

He should realize who he’s talking to – people who put massive attention, time and dollars into an expectation of performance. Perhaps that cow knocked some sense into him, but I doubt it.


What does it take to get somebody at these press conferences that will follow up on Gundy’s nonsense responses? He continues to say nothing worth reporting.

I mean he essentially says don’t boo because the recruits won’t want to come to OSU? LOL

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Not telling anyone here what to do but HCMG’s take on negative fans affect on recruits is plausible. He’s probably not 100% correct as recruits are human and as such will view fans behaviors differently. I guess the real question is how many would really ditch OSU because of it,

@bruce4 Because of the booing…none. There are a list of things that recruits look for when weighing their options for a school. How often a crowd boo’s the home team on the day they visited is waaaaay down on the list. The depth chart, position coach, opportunity to get to the NFL, relationship with the staff, proximity to your home, facilities, NIL opportunity…those are all far more important than what the crowd did during a game you visited.


It’s as if he thinks he actually owns the program. Weiberg needs to set it straight that even though he’s the coach, it will be the donors and those making contributions that will be pulling his puppet strings. His opinion has almost little to no value with the evolving environment of college football. He still thinks it’s 1988.

I could understand it if we were getting top 25 recruiting classes every year. That hasn’t happened since 2011 though. So I don’t really give a chit what he says when it comes to recruiting. It certainly hasn’t produced anything besides an NY6 bowl win since 2011. The fact he can’t win a conference game while returning the most starters in the conference is evidence that he has larger issues to focus on other than recruiting.

None, because we don’t recruit a bunch of talent. We recruit to develop. So it would have little to no effect.

Do you have a reliable source for how much NIL the schools are spending? I don’t think that’s very easy to reliably track. For instance, I’ve seen lists of best-funded NIL collectives, but that doesn’t take individual donors into account. If Bob, the Mattress King pays your left tackle a million dollar fake internship, that’s not showing up in an NIL collective total. I’ve seen estimates of what players NIL values are based in algorithms, but again, that’s not concrete. I don’t really believe we’re spending more on NIL than OU, but if you’ve got real numbers somewhere, I’d like to see it.

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Consciously, that’s right. Unconsciously, I think a recruit could easily walk away feeling that they weren’t “vibing” an atmosphere. People in general like to think they’re rational and make reasoned decisions, but we tend to follow our passion and guts more than we think we do. A positive environment may also make you skew your opinion of other aspects.

As a non-sports example, they’ve done experiments where the same food from the same kitchen is served to diners on paper plates with plastic forks on lawn furniture and then also in a restaurant on nice dishes with tablecloths and nice amenities. Diners routinely said the same food in a nice restaurant was better quality and worth more money. Being in a positive environment is going to cause people to try and convince themselves the flaws aren’t there.

That said, play well and win games and people will cheer. Booing will make a bad experience worse, though.

I dont disagree that it factors into an overall impression that a recruit may have on some level. But, again…its waaaaay down the list. The visits for a recruit are done over a weekend. The game last 3 hours. The VIP pomp and circumstance is so much that the game is really miniscule in the potential tipping of a scale. And im not being disrespectful here, but the OSU crowd at its best isnt tipping the scale either.


Booing in general, I have no problem with. College Football is a bigtime business. The coaches are making generational dollars. The players now are making more than some guys in the NFL. Tickets arent cheap. If the restaurant you order gives you a meal that is below the standards of what you asked for…you send it back. If you go to a 5 star restaurant and they hand you a paper plate with a hotdog…you voice your displeasure.

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Carey, loved this! Exactly how I feel. Gundy can still be the coach the Cowboys need but he’s got to make changes. If not, the school needs to move on.

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Agree, in too many cases, OSU is recruiting against North Texas or S.W. Missouri. These kids will choose OSU over these other type programs.

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I have a few good resources and OSU’s NIL takes care of some of the returners but are in the bottom third of the Big12 in overall NIL including transfer recruits.

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That would be my guess. What are your sources? Like I said, I’ve struggled to find anything I find reliable or accurate.

Athletes and a coach

That’s pretty anecdotal, but I don’t think we’re going to find concrete numbers, so it’s probably as good a gauge as anything. However, as the other guy suggested, we’re certainly not spending more on NIL than OU. That’s so far outside the realm of possibility and sanity.