When we launched the forum back in the fall, I thought we needed fewer threads to engender more good discussion. Now that the PFB+ wrestling thread has hit 2K comments, I wonder if we need more threads to spread out the discussion on more specific topics. I’m open. Hit me with your thoughts.
Personally…from the mind of an engineer…the less ‘moving parts’ you have the better … or…the old saying…KISS…
keep it simple stupid
I actually think we can condense every individual thread into one giant thread: GuNdY sUcKs At ReCrUiTiNg.
It would be easier if I could find all of the Gundy hatred in one place instead of having to find it in the wrestling, basketball, football, and food threads.
…but Gundy does suck at recruiting.
I just worry that if we put too many threads up it’ll clutter the forum. My only real gripe about we have now is that it feels like almost every thread eventually devolves into Gundy’s recruiting.
I think some of the breaking news, or breaking rumors stuff should definitely get their own threads. When you come see some thread got 100+ posts in a few hours, it’s daunting trying to figure out who all to tell they have a bad opinion and they should feel bad.
It hasn’t hit the car thread yet, if you’re looking for a safe space.
To be real honest I bet 80% of the comments in the wrestling thread are conversations between like 4 of us… So I wouldn’t gauge the need for more threads off of that thread in particular. There are the people that drop by and chat sometimes, but it’s really just a few of us who have nothing better to do than pretend we have a clue about it.
What kind of car does Gundy drive? That might be affecting recruiting…
A tractor.
Ah, see, see? Yet another problem with recruiting.
Stop recruiting? That seems like a bold move Cotton.
I’d vote for sub categories under main categories
Football - 2019 recruiting - game threads etc. and carry that out across all topics if a moderator sees something that belongs in a sub category of a topic they simply move it
This is spiraling out of control quickly.
Isn’t that how it already is…?
Not really that’s how it’s probably supposed to be but I use my iPhone 99% of the time so that’s not at all how it comes across. In addition if the moderators moved all anti Gundy to the Gundy topic or football recruiting to the recruiting topic etc. that would be an actual hierarchy.
The only way to settle this is to have the Kyle’s fly all of us in for a Chamber conference.
That or we could hijack a Student Government Association meeting.
“Don’t know if any of you have heard of Pistols Firing. It’s big on the interwebs, right now.”
Love this.