W.R. Exodus

:yawning_face: Same axe-grinding, different day.


Gundy outbid you on a cow didnā€™t he?

(yes Iā€™m aware Gundy doesnā€™t have cattle)


I swear that @ar1 dated Kristen back in the day and is still sad that he lost his girl to the star QB.


Just keep changing your narrative to fit your spite. Itā€™s working well for you :roll_eyes:

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Like, you know that I can be critical of Gundy and weā€™ve had our back-and-forths about it, but even Iā€™m not as singlemindedly-hateful toward the guy. Itā€™s kind of impressive in its steadiness though - no wavering, even in the face of unmitigated mockery.


Seeing this thread go down the same road as some of our others, I am now singing ā€œCircle of Lifeā€ in my headā€¦ :rofl:


If Gundy were as dedicated to recruiting as AR1 is to hating on Gundy, weā€™d have the #1 class no doubt.


I donā€™t hate Gundy, I just wish that he would go somewhere else. Thing is he wouldnā€™t last somewhere else more than 3 years.

Dude, that right there? Not just that you want him gone, but that you have zero faith that heā€™d be successful elsewhere, despite the fact that heā€™s an incredibly winning coach? That is pretty much textbook ā€˜haterā€™ material (and I really dislike that word since itā€™s overused but man, itā€™s valid here).

He might be successful in the FCS thatā€™s the teamā€™s he likes to play the most.

:roll_eyes: Itā€™s almost adorable at this point. Like a puppy that keeps falling down the stairs because it canā€™t understand where itā€™s going wrong in navigation.


I literally laughed out loud at this.

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Itā€™s just amazing to me how content everyone is with 3rd or 4th in the conference.

When has anyone - ANYONE - expressed that theyā€™re content with where weā€™re at? Iā€™m on record as being critical of how Gundy runs things and if we arenā€™t in the Big 12 title game this year, Iā€™ll probably be calling for his head finally as well. But even I and those like me are willing to admit that he does a lot of things well, has done a lot of things well, and is a successful coach by the ā€˜winsā€™ metric. We are critical, but none of us would dare to take the nuclear-level hot stance of ā€˜Gundy isnā€™t a good coachā€™. Thereā€™s necessary nuance that comes about in discussing his career and you ignore that entirely in favor of saying that heā€™d be better suited to the FCS. Thatā€™s why youā€™re being mocked and deservedly so. Not because you have concerns about Gundy but because you express them with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer with dynamite on the tip.

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Try comparing the number of his FCS wins to OU, Texas or TCU then get back to me.

Seriously though, what happened? Gundy Stole your girl? Gunnar broke your daughters heart? Bought a tractor out from under you? I need to know the source of the hatred.


Ooh! Ooh! I finally get to use this one.

TrY coMpaRIng tHe nUmBEr oF HIs FCS wINs to OU, TeXAs or TCU THen GEt bACk to Me.


Itā€™s impressive you think this is relevant.

No but Gundy beating up on a school like McNeese State while Texas loses to LSU donā€™t convince me that Gundyā€™s great and Texas sucks.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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