What type of phone do you have?

Not a single unique person as far as the eye can see.

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Nah that can’t be it.

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Narrator: Yet


Samsung is having an event today. They’re the only one even close to Apple on the ecosystem front. I wish Google would go all in like this.

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If anyone wants to watch:


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The only thing I don’t like about my Samsung/Android is not being able to do a group text easily without using GroupMe or some other app. Drives me crazy.


iMessage is the only true killer feature left on iPhone it seems like, and that’s really only in the US where sms still reigns supreme.

A lot of the other stuff is a little more amorphous as it’s “integration” and “app optimization” which if you haven’t used an iPhone in a long time are hard things to really compare. But everyone feels the pain of iMessage having an sms fallback and all the limitations that go along with it.


I use Textra. It’s a great messaging app for Android. I think it’s $2 in the Play Store to remove the ads. I love it.

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That and Facetime are probably the main things keeping me with Apple. There’s also an app called Miximum that essentially does smart playlists with Apple Music.

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I guess I’d include Facetime in with iMessage to a certain extent. And there are so many apps that allow video chat these days it’s hard to give it too much credit.

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True, I suppose if I ever switched to Android I’d probably use Facetime Messenger. I’d be open to whatever Google has this week, but it seems like their engineers get bored and replace working programs with something else, so I don’t know if I want to bother.

Do other people have to have Textra for you to be able to message them?

No it’s an SMS/MMS app with some baked in goodies for GIFs, delayed text sends, etc. It would replace your default messaging app. One of the best parts is making MMS groups and editing them. You can rename them, pin specific people or groups to the top. You can go wild with color scheme changes, etc.
Try it for free first. There will just be an ad at the top until you buy it.


Are you still ‘You turn my Texts green’ guy?

I can make my texts whatever color I want them to be! Since I’m android I supposed I force others to have green bubbles though.

I was really hoping one of the #olds would respond with a flip phone.


Or the fancy Razr flip they came out with not too long ago.

Probably have one in the closet!

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Uhmmmm rotary . I like to keep it old school as in one room schoolhouse .

True story though my college gf had a great grandma who was a freaking hoot ! At 90 she was roto tilling her garden in the central Louisiana heat !

Anyway we went for a visit and she had a rotary phone that said “property of bell” I think . Her phone bill still had a charge in it for the phone. She never even “owned“ a phone her whole life . I forget what the amount of the charge was but it blew my mind. Cool old lady .

RIP granny Pilcher


My work had a slack conversation the other day on our first phone. I’m pretty sure mine looked something like this: