Defense Tracker: Cowboys on Pace for Historic Numbers, but It’s Still Early

The ou radio guys just said they have some defensive issues going on

If Sanders plays sleeper agent and turns the ball over 3 times again it’s possible. Defense will do its thing but the offense is going to need to pull its weight next weekend.

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Kinda of like u pulling up ur big pants and stating the captain obvious. Thanks for ur input

I knew this game was going to be high scoring I just did know this much. I said 80. It 58 so far.

Looks like Pittman is losing another one.

Kinda of like u pulling up ur big pants and stating the captain obvious. Thanks for ur input

So ur great plan is to repeat what I type. Is this where ur at.

Just saying you’re stating the obvious there Roberto. Captain obvious could see that they have defensive issues.

I knew they had defensive issues before the game. I was just stating the radio crew is learning it

It was obvious to me both defenses are not that great.
Just because it’s obvious to me it’s not captain obvious

Wow Robert. Maybe ESPN should hire you since you are the all knowing all seeing football guru.

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The game isn’t over yet dumba$$. It’s just 41-33 with 11:30 remaining. I wouldn’t speak so soon. I do feel pretty good about beating WV though considering Baylor is dominating them right now.

Uh oh!

Boom there it is!

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The same team who ou could not score on.

It’s about time u actually say something correct

Pittman lost again

Looks like both can score more than 30 points. Gundy better just forfeit.

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U do know ur on a osu site. U enjoying ou scoring is why we all know ur a troll. Since we can match up ur post with ou scores. Really sad to think u thought u were hiding it

First did either team field a defense. Ur a joke