Instacap: Oklahoma State Falls to Iowa State 24-21

This I know Roberto. It took them 4 years to figure it out. Not 10 years to figure it out.

U said they had tanks in ww1. Because u thought I said we didnā€™t. Moron

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Lol and Iā€™m telling you it didnā€™t take them 10 years to figure out how to be successful.

Lol Iā€™m prove to u ur just want to argue.

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Here is Joey: we got tear gas letā€™s use it.
Real commander: wind is in our face
Joey: I dnt care. Itā€™s a weapon letā€™s use it.

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The point of entry is always more toxic rather than which way the wind blows. Itā€™s called composite risk assessment and mitigation in military tactics. Thatā€™s why you mask up before using such things. Glad you werenā€™t smart enough to score a 31 on the ASVAB or else we would all be phucked.

U really need to learn ur history. In ww1 they didnā€™t think before they did things. Just like u.

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So they never made any plans before going to the battle field? Got it!! Like I saidā€¦Iā€™m glad you couldnā€™t score a 31 on the ASVAB. We would be phucked!!!

Like I said u are basing ur experiences of training.
Not on what actually happen when things like tear gas and nuclear bomb were used or tested.
Did they deploy tear gas while in combat when u were there.
I also see a problem. U think I mean actually " tear gas".
Iā€™m using tear gas as a generic name. They would have been rolling on the floor about tear gas in ww1. Thats like using a feather in a sword fight. Trying to tickle them to death. I have no problem with u posting ,I giggle all day long.

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I have no problem with you posting. Just shows the utter stupidity on things you donā€™t understand. Like assuming officers donā€™t make plans for a battlefield before entering possible certain death.

I see history was another class u didnā€™t take at osu.
Ww1 was planned by guys a way from the front.
They did not Google the weather Channel. They also used hand messages not satellite communications.

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Wow!!! Really Roberto??? You know where those guys planning away from the front get their plans from?

They get it from reconnaissance and the commanders on the ground based off SITREP and SALUTE reports.

Thanks for trying to school me on something you have no clue about!!!

U r a moron. Do u think ur proving anything.
The stuff ur talking about was not even thought of in ww1.

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This goes back to u just wanting to argue. We started talk about ww1. The problem is I never changed the topic. Itā€™s evident u do not have any clue what went on in ww1, and r project ur experiences.

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The stuff Iā€™m talking about has been around since biblical ages. Every successful military in the world has used SALUTE and SITREP reports. Why the hell do you think they had runners in WW1? They were the deliverers of these reports.

Runners didnā€™t always get thur.
I have no idea what ur trying to prove.
If u have any real knowledge of the generals in ww1 u would understand those things u talk aboutenat nothing to the generals.
I do see how ur world is. U see the world as it meant to be. But the real world is not

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I have no idea why youā€™re trying to prove military history and strategics to me when youā€™ve never been involved in it.

They had runners because it was one of their only limited lines of communications. Go watch the movie 1917 if you donā€™t believe me.

Now I know ur a well educated person. Ur quoting movies for ur facts. Iā€™m the one that brought up they had runners. Keep it coming like I said u just move on to something else when u know nothing tanks runnerā€™s. All I brought up in some way ur trying g to tell me I didnā€™t know about. Of course ur reports deal. Thatā€™s a joke

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The movie is based on a factual story. Stop being stupid.

Yeahā€¦.and you had no clue what purpose they served either.

Movies are r like bread. Bread is the facts. All sandwiches and movies have them. U start with bread and end with them. The meat of a movie is up in the air.
A guy who has been in the "military and educated "
Should be able to do better then base his talk on a movie. Next ur going to tell me the army still uses horse because u say war horse. Weā€™re u kept in a closet as a child. U have a very weird need to be rite and connect.