Michael 27 Comments

If you’re running around free with a username following NAME# I consider you a troll. There are good trolls that are snarky, like most you fine PFB+ accounts, but then there’s these PFB free account trolls. They made discourse on HCMG impossible.


If that many flags are happening in the free section that is visible to the public, come on. Burn them down. Make commenting a pay-only feature or completely remove comments under articles.


It sounds like we need a two step authentication, in order to weed out the bad apples


TBF, some of those flags probably weren’t totally merited. A lot of it is flagging bad opinions not rule breaking opinions.


Probably, but ar1 is a proven assbag and any of the michael# permutations seem to be as well. When what they are doing in a free space visible to recruits and parents to discredit and discourage people from coming to the university…

I’m with Lee. There really is no need to allow them that opportunity.


I think there should be stronger moderation for the free board. However, I feel like if message boards actually had an effect on where kids go, some kid would have said they didn’t go to A&M because of the wing nuttery on the free Texags boards by now.

The difference between A&M and OSU, though, is pretty staggering when it comes to recruiting. A big target goes elsewhere for them, no big. Next elite talent up. A big target goes elsewhere for us, we’re taking a heavy step back. If there’s even the slightest chance that one of these mouthbreathers can affect our recruiting in a negative way, it needs to be taken care of.

(And from viewing other forums related to OSU, there is empirical evidence that some of the craptalking about players and coaches in threads have, in the past, driven recruits and families away. It’s not just a legend.)


It’s for sure happened I’ll try to dig it up. I remember back when Bartlett owned OP that it happened to us with somebody.


John7, Rick21, Steve92, Brian2, Chris55, and Chet11 are going to be tiiiccckkkeed when they have to spend more time on twitter since they can’t troll here (hopefully, one day, maybe, please).


It’s…still there.

okay guys, I’m going to make a comment on the thread and everyone like it, okay?


plz give me likes


Wait…now somehow we’ve made it worse? There are now 3 comments, two of which belong to Michael27!! The heck is going on here?



What would commenting pricing be? $4.00 a month?

Done! jumps out of sewage

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I say just tie it in with PFB+. Set fire to the free lands and watch them burn into ashes, fueled by the angry cries of dipshits like michael27 and ar1.

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Anyone ever looked at the comments on CRFF or the Maven site? Graveyards. I wonder if the trolls would head there.

I miss comments on articles. That’s the problem with PFB+… everything is buried in a few massive threads within a general category (“basketball”,…). But those threads just wander around aimlessly. I miss focused conversations. But I guess, like everyone, I just really miss articles on real teams and real games.


There are still comments on articles.

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Technically, yes. But the invested PFB+ crew rarely contributes over there. Just kind of a weird situation.