
I would probably be in that group. Never really had any Jewish friends growing up.
Like it made sense when he was saying it, but I never really thought about it before.
But it’s also confusing since you can convert to Judaism, so not sure what that means.
I’ve learned a little more about it since I got married. My FIL is Jewish, although he hasn’t gone to temple in several decades. His brother and family are still active in temple.

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Yeah I didn’t mean that as a slight to people who didn’t know, it’s just a very vague definition. And it technically is a “religion”, I think they call it an ethnoreligion technically.

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He is so back!!

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Didn’t we do this GameStop stuff two years ago??


Yep, he steered the whole thing. Hasn’t been on social media since 21. Then has been heavy today. GME was up 50% at one point. Been halted 5X this morning.

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Someone call the SEC…?

I didn’t take offense.
You don’t know what you don’t know

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For why? A post, he hasn’t done anything.

A subpoena could potentially reveal a lot more than a simple tweet.

I was mostly joking. I don’t really know anything about the situation lol


They already have. They can’t touch him.

I’m in again. Made a cool 600 today.


Combo question: How much will sell of NCAA25 affect stock of GameStop? Is it worth putting anything into it?

It’s a niche game

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Not one single bit.


Sellout Crowd lasted 10 months :joy:. Wonder where Barry and Jenni will head now

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Hopefully retirement.

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A bunch of Hal smith restaurants closed the day of the last OKC game to allow their workers the right to peacefully protest. A bunch of people are now saying they will be refusing to eat at those restaurants anymore.

The funniest part is the company never said what it was that their employees would be protesting.
People just like to get so invested and upset about other peoples’ right to opinions, regardless of what that opinion is. Lol


They closed to be with the Hispanic protest downtown. The were protesting the new law OK just signed.


Yeah, I just meant in the article released by the news. All it said was “Ownership did not disclose what workers were protesting.” And all the of comments were basically like “I don’t care what they’re protesting, they lost my business.” :joy: