PFB+ Debate: Tulsa or OKC?

But this is pretty. Skyline advantage back to OKC??


That’s why you are EdmondPoke. Tulsa is great! I spent the last 16 years there. My kids got a great education in the Union school district. But when it came to retire we built our retirement home in Edmond to enjoy trees and be close to OKC. Both Tulsa and OKC have lots to offer. We should be taking about the positives of both cities, rather than making it a contest. Go Pokes!


Devon tower is a specimen but Tulsa skyline is more cohesive. Tulsa has 2nd-5th tallest skyscrapers in Oklahoma (3rd isnt downtown). Art Deco and River add beauty to it as well.

OKC has gotten better as of late adding more color at night and the first national tower and BancFirst building renovations making it look modern.

I guess that’s a generally fair comparison, although I’m not certain I agree with the comment regarding the city having a major inferiority complex because it will never host a Big 4 sports team. Would it be nice? I suppose on several levels yes, but it’s not like the administration or most of the residents are torn up about it and lay awake brooding about it. I’d say those are examples of things we’d probably like to have, but otherwise we’re still pretty content with what we have. Personally, I enjoy not having the huge attractions that bring growth to the point the city becomes something other than why I chose to stay here and raise a family. But of course that’s just me. And what that tipping point is, I can’t say but IMHO we’re very close if not beyond it.


There’s a balance for sure. Dallas/Atlanta/Houston for instance have gotten way too out of hand IMO. My hope is OKC has quick growth to a point and then tapers off a bit. I agree that Tulsa is probably better served as being a smaller niche city that is nice but not too big. OKC and Tulsa should compliment each other nicely into the future.


Totally agree. Grew up in Broken Arrow and always thought OKC was the concrete arm pit of the state. Have lived in Edmond for 25 years now and I love it and OKC. Both cities are great. Not really sure why there needs to be a dong measuring contest over it however.






I was only vaguely familiar with Lawton in High School. I would agree with said assessment now.


Hanta Yo!!!

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MacArthur >

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Wife a LHS grad; niece and nephew Mac grads.

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  • Tulsa
  • OKC
0 voters

we have done this before but it needs a refresher

:heavy_check_mark: neither


Dang. Looks like Tulsa is doing better than last time.


Shouldn’t be. Tulsa is objectively better.


I’d live in Tulsa over a Dallas suburb. I have the choice too but the wife said hell no.

It has too many trees