PFB+ Running Challenge

The challenge hasn’t even started and I’ve already quit.


I don’t even want to ask but if people already are aware of his running capabilities I am donezo.

The good news is that it doesn’t rewards FAST runners, based on the format, only consistent runners who run long distances. So if you want to run 10 miles at 15 minutes per mile, it counts all the same as 5 minute miles!


me prepping for June 1

Some of us like to take the pragmatic approach. :laughing:

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Well then you can just give me the win now. I’ll obliterate everyone, and I’ll prove it. :sunglasses: :eyes: :clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

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  • turns on treadmill, moves to couch with popcorn for 3 hours, returns to treadmill for a distance picture



  • turns on treadmill, moves to couch with popcorn for 3 hours *and drinks a case of Keystone,*returns to treadmill for a distance picture
  • sprays self with water (to look really sweaty)

  • fake panting


Now if we were to incorporate biking and use the following:

“The general rule of thumb is there is a 1:3 run-to-bike ratio, meaning one mile of running at a moderate effort equals three miles of cycling at that same effort level. Cycling 12 miles is the equivalent of running four miles, with both effort levels being the same in a very general sense for cardiovascular fitness.”

I might get behind this because I’ve been looking for a reason to get on my Peloton.

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Second. (The cycling, that is)

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I’d say there ought to be some cut off, or you should take “running” out of the title.

Glad this is a thing though! I signed up, and I’m ready to see what mileage everyone can manage.

Third! (Cycling)

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Yeah, I kinda willy-nilly threw that out but it is, indeed, a RUNNING competition. Not a walking competition or speed-walking competition. Jogging pace required to log miles. That’s basically the only requirement!

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I think the runners are scared of the cyclist. We can even do 4:1 ratio if y’all scared.






I often do both, and I think 4:1 is a little closer. For me anyway. Avg heart rate on the bike (outdoors actual cycling) is 10-15 bpm lower for me than running. You know, downhills and such…

:cowboy_hat_face: Week left to sign up! :cowboy_hat_face:

Could you add a upload of screenshot from workout apps? Would be fun! Something like this?

Totally would join but have a torn cervical disc…docs are mad at me for doing too much already. :face_with_head_bandage: Only allowed to walk. :weary:

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