Here’s you flipping our lid and saying this team is going to be one of the worst Gundy teams ever…
Here’s more of your Willie Fritz talk. Oh boy. He’s still 0-fer in his baby conference right?
Hehe… Tulane is a “good” G5 team. Oh man.
We probably didn’t call you stupid enough… you really wanted this awful Tulane coach. I am glad you’re just some mom’s-basement-dweller and not our AD.
ar1 and Logan believed you. They were wrong, but they believed you. Also, everyone did get on and defend Gundy.
So, after all of those histrionics, here’s what I said about it. And you know what? I was right on the money. I forgot Sanders was out that game. Geeze, man. Week one without QB1. Why you overreact?
Did Bob Simmons have a top 5 defense in the nation? Asking for a friend.
I won’t go into all this like weird “Gundy wasn’t emotional enough” crap that Logan was spouting off about. Like he wanted Gundy to throw a chair or cry or something. You know which coaches are cool, calm and collected in the Big XII? The two that are probably going to go to the conference championship game: Gundy and Aranda.
Here are some more of my level-headed and reasonable takes. Like this one after Tulsa. I might be too harsh on Dunn. I still don’t know about him. Obviously the offense isn’t a strength, but it’s certainly gotten better after we got healthier. My bad, Dunn. You deserve some more time:
I’m very positive about Warren and BOY HOWDY, was that right. I’m down on Sanders, but still hopeful that he can turn it around. I said he needed to figure stuff out, and I think he has. He hasn’t made terrible mistakes lately.
I wasn’t “off” of Sanders, though…
See how I have this completely rational, “wait and see” approach and actually wait for information before I start throwing out bad hot takes and not disregarding the whole body of work Gundy has put together developing talent? Here’s another example of me weighing possibilities and looking for more data when you were on the “GUNDY HAS FAILED AT DEVELOPING A QB!”
So, if you really want to go back and look at what I’ve said, I’m always:
1.) Not panicking.
2.) Looking for more information before forming an kneejerk opinion.
3.) Weighing extenuating circumstances like injuries.
So, yes, I didn’t rule out the fact that we could finish higher than 4th because not only did I not know how good we were or if some of our issues were fixable, but I didn’t know how good the rest of the league was.